Police Brutality and the Criminal Justice System

African Americans, Police Brutality, and the Criminal Justice System: an Introduction by Clarence Taylor, the Journal of African American History Abstract: There has been a major focus on African Americans and the US criminal justice system, particulary around the...

Oral History and Public History

Crossing Cultures: Oral History and Public History by Jill Liddington and Graham Smith, Oral History Society Abstract: Public history takes a past stretching from yesterday right back to prehistory; its concerns lie with the processes by which those parts are...

Students as Narrators of History

On the Other Foot: Oral History Students as Narrators by Stephen Solan, the Oral History Review Abstract: An understudied element of the oral history exchange is the experience of a narrator during the interview. Discussions of this topic in the literature on oral...

The History of Oral History

Four Paradigm Transformations in Oral History by Allistar Thomson, The Oral History Review Abstract: This paper reviews critical developments in the international history of oral history and outlines four paradigmatic revolutions in theory and practice: the postwar...